Saturday, April 2, 2022

Blog Post #1: Why am I a journalism major?

Growing up I really didn’t have a strong passion for a certain career field like some people do. Everyone around me seemed to know exactly what they wanted to do without any doubts. I didn’t understand this because how are we supposed to dedicate our life to a profession at the tender age of 18 when we’ve never actually experienced the best and worst side to the job ourselves. It always seemed ludicrous to me and was something I always struggled with in high school to understand.

As I was trying to figure out my major, I came to the understanding that my English class was the most interesting to me and where I excelled most. I liked to dissect literature and figure out the symbolism behind texts and when writing essays, I enjoyed creating flowing paragraphs that articulated my thoughts. I loved to decode the mini stories in every sentence and figure out what the author was trying to convey and how they were trying to do that. Figuring out why an author chose a certain way to write a text or analyzing the message that is being percieved had always been super interesting to me. Though that realization didn’t really get me anywhere because I knew I didn’t want to teach and I knew I wasn’t creative enough to write a book. It was more of a closeted passion that came along with my love of reading. Both of those aspects were dead ends when it came to a career. 

History was another class I found very interesting in highschool because it was the first time I had ever been confronted with the government’s wrongdoing which has been an occurrence since the beginning. I liked when my mind was expanded and my values stretched as teacher’s would make me rethink what I thought for sure was correct. Growing up, we naturally have rose-colored glasses on when it comes to the government, military, or any type of authority as we’re taught from an early age to be law abiding citizens. Though what I learned is that there's corruption in every facet of society and usually more in a position of power. Nowadays people are so blinded and compartmentalized within their political party that it’s difficult to divert that thinking. There’s always so much going on in the world, and it’s important to understand the finer details. As journalists, our job is to shed an unbiased light on misbehavior and deception. 

When journalism came to mind, I always thought about the newspapers that would write about daily crimes in the community or the columnist that wrote about tips and tricks. In reality, journalism can cover a lot of different positions. Broadcast news report is where I’m headed to at the moment as the working environment of collaborating with others as well as being at the center of action seems to suit me. I always wondered what it would be like to be a reporter, being in the midst of chaos and having to document that to the public.

With this in mind, it seemed that journalism matched my strengths in writings and also suited my curiosity to learn more.

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